Oh say so sweet blue love
A restless night, the eternal kiss
A mind to sound, my makers dove
Her mermaid face, the ocean mist
Forbidden essence of my shattered heart
Poseidons threat on the midnight sea
My mothers life, a perfect art
Paint my lips of color blue and let it be
Whisper me my love, make me believe
Ask the waves to ease and soothe my wound
Tell the birds to chant away the songs of Eve
My thoughts have now gone deep into the sound
At this instant my tears have drowned the pain
But the wolves await to taste my wish
The night will want to steal the golden chain
A lonely child would like to have a gracious fish
Lets make love and watch the nations go to war
Lets have a kiss for every time you look into my child and let him die
Because voices dont see but looks scream afar
Because the Antichrist feeds on blessings to defy