Passion Of A Kiss

by Lithium   Jul 22, 2006

The fingers you do wish to touch,
The love in my eyes you see,
Feelings so strong, too many, to much,
Your smile bringing happiness to me,

Holding you close my heart pines,
That you'll come to me tonight,
Under the stars you'll be mine,
Embracing the nights moonlight,

Lips that do press against my soul,
Locking tight around my heart,
Grasping my body as a whole,
Not willing to ever depart,

You've made my life complete,
From beginning to awaited end,
I've listened to your every beat,
I'll always be there as your loving girlfriend,

Forever and always is our wish,
To guide each other through,
May are dream be sealed with this kiss,
Of the love and passion I have for you.

Dedicated to Scott Clarke, I love you.

Wrote on July 21st, 2006
©Samantha Jayne Reed


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  • 18 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    I think people here love the idea of reading only love poems from you... :o)) and y not...u write such great love be honest i loved those dark ones too...well this is just another masterpiece...and i m speechless

    all the best and take care

  • 18 years ago

    by CourtneyLouxxx

    Sweet and cute xoxo bye

  • 18 years ago

    by im ur AdDiCtiOn

    Sexy yeah samsthats a really cute poem