Comments : Self Esteem

  • 18 years ago

    by Goran Rahim

    Great job Lauren, like always your this poem is so great and so deep. well done

  • 18 years ago

    by Lost & Delirious

    I really liked the message of your poem, I can relate to it perfectly. Self esteem is very important and it's so harmful when you don't have it.

    This was my favorite part of your poem, I think it's the one that relates more to my life.

    everyone else should look away
    don't look at my sullen face
    and don't you know
    every night i pray
    for tomorrow to bring a
    sunny day

    Good job!

    Keep writing.


  • 18 years ago

    by Wasted Fake Smiles

    Great work! i loved this, it was very deep and detailed. i can totally relate. amazing job! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by dollwithafrown

    This was great! You really conveyed the effect of feeling so lost and not having any sense of belief in yourself. The emotion flowing through this was excellent.

  • 18 years ago

    by Dacey Flame

    Owie that made my heart hurt a, literally. I like the rhyme pattern though. Its really original. When your reading it it doesn't seem like it wll fit, but tehn you read a bit farther and everything fits together perfectly.
    Good job =)

  • 18 years ago

    by BrixGoesxRawr

    Aw. That was sad! I can really relate though. It had a lot of emotions in it.. & It's like.. another version of 'By My Side' lol. That's what it sounds like to me! However, I did like.. 'By My Side' better. But i still like this one. It flowed well. & I didnt find anything wrong with it.

    You're a very talented writer, keep it up babe.
