Vampire Kiss

by goddess-glamourpuss   Jul 22, 2006

Luscious slumbering beauty
Awhile longer I will linger
Drinking in your heady scent.

Caressing your silken skin
Pulse steady ad rhythmic
I feel the hunger rising

Tenderly I trace your jaw
Lips barely brushing your face
Passion burning bright.

Come to me my love
The time is nigh
Surrender to my deadly embrace.

Fangs pressed into resisting flesh
Pushing, plunging deeper
Lips locked against your skin.

Sudden squirt hits my palette.
Tongue moves to stem the flow
Savor this sweet metallic taste.

Gushing, gulping gasping
Drowning in the flood
Senses swamped, body tingling.

Heartbeat quickens, body spasms.
Gorging on your blood
Draining your essence.

Pinnacle of ecstasy
Infused by your blood
Powerful beyond measure.

Limp and lifeless
I release you now
Rest well my love.

Moonlight illuminates the scene
Your skin porcelain and cold
Lifeless useless doll.

My skin glows with vitality
Blood surges through my veins
I am never more alive.

Other creatures hunt tonight.
Together we will revel.
Joy of the kill.

Then to my coffin shall I return
To rest soundly in deathly slumber
With dreams of you sweet love.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    I really liked this, I thought the imagery and wording was excellent.
    I also enjoyed how it was similar to a story, at least that's how I found it.

  • 18 years ago

    by Edward D Zurovec

    This poem has it all life,death,sex,satiability of innocence.
    Great poem!5

  • 18 years ago

    by V a n i t y V e i n 6 9

    This was a really good poem... I loved it so much!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Natalie

    Fangs pressed into resisting flesh
    Pushing, plunging deeper
    Lips locked against your skin.

    ^^^Loved those lines!

    Your vocab in this was really good. I don't see any flaws at all. Wow. I'm kinda speechless. This was great! Keep it up! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Wasnt how i expected. flowed okay. i liked it. not your best though.

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