Words Can Describe Emotions

by Just_Andrew   Jul 22, 2006

Knife On My Wrist
Gun To My Head
It Doesan\'t Really Matter
Because You Want Me Dead
But I Put The Knife Down
Put The Gun Aside
There Is No Reason To Give Up
After How Hard Ive Tried
How Many Nights
Ive Cried Invisible Tears
How Many Times Ive
Faced My Deepest Fears
How Many Times
Ive Asked Why
But If I Do Give Up
You Cant Say I Didnt Try


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  • 16 years ago

    by Britney

    So far, this one is my favorite. No one is worht dying for. But then again, no one is worth living for either. Love with all your heart. Laugh with all your strength. Cry with all your passions. Live among the rest.

    As usual, 5/5.

  • This poem is really good!!!!! I like it. I know what it feels like to people wanting you dead. & when I tried to kill myself I realized that the people they are just jealous so why give up and live another day. Kepp it up.

  • 18 years ago

    by masked_senses

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