How I Loved You

by [[●DareYouToMove●]]   Mar 2, 2004

When a guy dumps you,
I think he should know,
How much you loved him,
And that he's left you so low.

When a guy dumps you,
You deserve a reason why,
So maybe we won't sit here,
And cry and cry.

When a guy dumps you,
They say to get over him,
It's hard because things seem,
So dull and so dim.

When a guy dumps you,
You cry so much,
You think �Is this world worth living
Without his touch?'

I have felt and thought all of this,
Trying to tell myself, �It'll be OK�,
But I'm not getting anywhere,
Not even today.

Life is so hard,
When you feel like this,
I've told you I still love you,
But it's just a big miss.

Guys don't think,
When they dump you,
How it will effect,
And hurt you too.

So I'm down to my final straw,
Got nothing left to do.
I guess you'll never know,
How much I loved you.


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  • thanx alot!!! the only thing is wen i remember the good timez we had, it makes me really sad. so i try not 2 think of them. His grandmother told me he still likes me......

  • 21 years ago

    by Me&You (simply magical)

    Meaningful poem that all us gurls out there go through. Keep it up.
    Luv, Rose