My Crystal Tears

by fairylady   Jul 23, 2006

As I walk into the ring of darkness
I hear your voice bounce off the shattered glass mirrors
They Echo sweet nothings into my ears
But do these echo voices mean anything?
These echo's respond to lots
The broken glass from the loud echos
Cut at my feet as they hurt & bleed for hours
The pain hurts & makes me cry crystal tears
The ground is nothing but big puddles watching my steps
Frighten to fall into the whirl pool
Shadows of the devil
As i walk on these thin paths
Not knowing where each one leads
Dark blue rain drops fall from each bladed rock
Filling the puddle\\\'s & making them into ponds
I get more lost each path i take so i sit here waiting
For the life of me to drowned in nothing
But a dark crystal water well


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