Remember This....

by Cody   Jul 24, 2006

When I say I love you,
Know that it's true;
No matter what life brings,
Or what I may do

It's seeded in my heart
The remains of our life
From times of happiness
To times of strife

When we were at our best
Time seemed to fly by
But when at our worse
I wanted to die

So long we struggled
To keep us alive
Coming accross hurdles
I didn't think we would survive

We made it through many
And dodged the rest
But it wasn't enough
To pass the test

The walls around our life
We built and shared
Came crumbling down
Showing the pains we bared

We tried tirelessly
To rebuild what was lost
But forced to give up
At the expense of a greater cost

Among all the fighting
To get back where we were
We lost ourselves in the process
And time seemed to blur

What we had was dead
But was never buried
It was in the struggles we bared
In the pains we carried

Until we let go of
The ideas that we kept
Was when the truth surfaced
For us to accept

We may not have been meant
To spend our lives together
But I want you to know
I will love you forever

All that we've been through
And our love never part
Shows me that a piece of you
Will always remain in my heart


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  • 16 years ago

    by nicole

    I like this alot. 4/5

  • 17 years ago

    by redneck

    This poem relates to me so well. you are very good ay writing.5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by BREEawNUHH

    This is a beautiful poem. 5/5 Keep writing.