Woman (Diamante)

by Dana   Jul 25, 2006

A woman
Beautiful, successful
Laughing, singing, dancing
Happy, married, brave, deceived
Pleading, crying, fighting
Weak, defeated
A Martyr

** Criticism welcome with open arms..please!**

***************************** For those unfamiliar with what a Diamante is, here's a brief explanation:

A Diamante is a seven-lined contrast poem set up in a diamond shape.

Line 1: Noun or subject
Line 2: Two Adjectives describing the first noun/subect
Line 3: Three -ing words describing the first noun/subect
Line 4: Four words: two about the first noun/subect, two about the antonym/synonym
Line 5: Three -ing words about the antonym/synonym
Line 6: Two adjectives describing the antonym/synonym
Line 7: Antonym/synonym for the subject


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Devon

    Love your work! 5/5 i have a poem pretty much about the same thing, it's called suicide blond... i wrote it when i was in middle school or something... check it out if you want.

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni

    I have never read a poem of this style and i must say that i thoroughly enjoyed it. great job! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Goran Rahim

    Wow, this is another great poem. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Socks

    I use to remember hating doing diamantes for school cause they never seemed to flow for me.. but you do them absolutely awesome.
    I like how you put the good and bad things woman feel. Great job.

  • 18 years ago

    by Nelle

    Omg, This poem, I loved it. Just loved it, it reminded me a lot of someone that I know, it made me smile just for that reason =D it was short but length never matters all that matters is the emotions it has coming through it! it was great 5/5