Granted Society

by Alyssa   Jul 25, 2006

I look at what our world is today
And shake my head in shame
Have people no brains?
They still leave the earth in scars and stains
These trees,They give you life
But you take theirs away
Why would you destroy something so beautiful?
Why can't we re-frame?
It was here first
Why can't we treat it like what it's really worth?
One day when the grass withers
and the water runs dry
I won't listen to your cries
Knowing that it is our fault
The earth will one day punish our stupidity
And lack of self-control
Leaving holes
In our hearts,our existence will fade
We'll all stare at the mess we've made
And silently admit to ourselves
We took it for granted
We were blind
This Granted Society


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