The Game

by Jemma   Jul 25, 2006

Fighting the inevitable
Won't let them win
They don't know the game they'e playing
I'm going to burn all their cards

When you smile, do you really mean it?
Does the light die in my eyes
When I feel your satisfaction?
Try to deceive my senses but I know you

Am I the golden child?
A baby angel, your only cherub
One that should fight the darkness
Not smile and succumb to it

It grasps me, holds me
Like no one held me before
Did you know they never did?
Slipped deeper into that velvet caress

A chasm of truth but you coat it in lies
An eternity searching for an end
For your forced domination
The final abomination and the end of infinity

When you live forever, who cares who gets hurt?
And they don't care
People fall out of sight, out of mind
But the message is always there

It used to mock me but now it shall pass me by
I will burn all their cards
I will end this game
I'm still the only one that knows we're playing

I shall take the initiative
And destroy destiny
Only I have the right to choose
The path that is set before me

Do you still hold your spell?
A blind enchantment
To glaze my eyes
And keep the anger down

Keep me anger down, keep my anger down
Keep my mind tied, keep it bound tight
Let me play my hand, let the bluff stand
Let me see your pieces fall

Don't look at me like I'm something
So much easier when I'm nothing
I live to be underestimated
I always fool you when you do not truly see

Oblivious to my fingers crawling beneath your skin
You bear the mark of my poison
And should you overcome it, you will have to fight again
I live to play this game and only my piece is unchanging

Unravelling my future
Yet you still try to hide my past
You are just deceived
You will crumble and fall because you have to let me go


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  • 18 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    I really liked this poem keep it up:):)

    please comment on my poems i like to have feedback thanx xxx alex xxx