Why do we live? For we are to die.
Life is simple, an eye for an eye.
Its also complicated in a way,
Sometimes i donâ??t know what to say.
Always, something bad happens to me,
Karma catches up in time,
just to get you when your behind,
It happens with ought warning,
When you least expect it.
Karma can be a good thing or it can be bad,
When itâ??s bad, it can make people sad,
Sorrow, depression, the end comes near
When you do something so horrible
It caches up and may hurt others and cause many tears.
It can also be good in sosome ways
Do things for others you will be rewarded,
All because you are big hearted.
Why is there Karma i ask?
Maybe to take care of an important task.
We canâ??t avoid or do anything about it,
It will get you no matter what you do,
Someway you will ether winâ?? or loose.