by Natalie Jul 27, 2006
category :
Sadness, depression /
Weak violated shattered heart, |
by Nicole Nolen
Very deep poem! I'm speechless i'm blowned away from reading this.Keep it up and feel free to comment on my work also. |
by Silentblond
Great job, I enjoyed it a lot |
by Biscuit
I love the repetition in this poem, most of the time when people repeat lines it seems out of place but it really works here. the pace and flow are also very good, the poem really fits together and creates a strong impact on the reader. |
by Phantom Lord
All I can say is wow...I think this is my favorite poem of yours. Amazing. I know what you say pm you find out what it means..or is about..but I think some poems are left to be interepted.And this one definatley makes one think. |
by MariiaShan
Hello um Yes I am not to sure about the true meaning of this poem I think it is either about being abused physically or sexually but I am not to sure.get back to me please |