Remember 9/11

by Haley   Jul 27, 2006

I was in third grade when the school began to fear
but I did not know why everyone was shedding tears
I heard the word terrorist but had no idea of the meaning
my stomacher was aching and my mind was screaming
what was going on?
this day was so wrong
over the PA the principle had us sing
a song of America and to let freedom ring
I also remember this small, is a day we will all remember, today our twin towers in new York city were hit by two airplanes.
I knew what that meant and my mind was racing
how will this day go, when my thoughts are pacing
it was early in the morning when this tragedy happened
the whole day was weird for the students and the teachers. I will never remember what happened all day except that morning when I didn't know what to say
well, my mom picks me up mind set on the radio.
I heard the lady talking about the way the towers went down my mom just sat there with a frown.. all that night I slept in fright.
you see, I have never been on an airplane and I am afraid to this day.
of having my life be taken away.
well it's 6:07
and I still remember 9/11

it actually is 6:07pm


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  • 18 years ago

    by Iloveyou

    I was in third grade when 9/11 happened.
    I heard the Twin Towers and planes crashing and terrorists.
    And I was so confused. I didn't know what was going on.

    I've never been on a plane.
    And because of 9/11 I will never
    go on a plane because I'm scared.