The Pain Inside

by iheartu   Jul 28, 2006

Stomach swirling
Skin burning
Eyes watering.
My insides feel as though they’re on fire,
And each time I breathe,
The pain shoots through my body,
Like a knife slicing through flesh.
My stomach is being ripped apart,
And with each tremor,
The pain gets worse and worse.
Sweat runs down my face,
Yet goosebumps appear on my skin,
And a shiver runs down my spine.
As I double over,
I can bear the pain no more.
Lying curled on the floor,
The tears begin to flow freely.
All the sorrow and pain
I’ve been holding in for so long,
Is finally allowed to escape.
It flows like a river after a flood,
Unceasing and unforgiving.
Is this what missing you
Has caused me to become?
Nothing more than a quivering
Heap on the ground?
Each day I go without you,
The pain I feel inside builds up.
Until, one day,
I break down,
And everything comes rushing out.


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  • 18 years ago

    by ├Truely_Spoken┤

    Hey cool poem
    nice to see that people are still working toward good poetry
    if u dont mind, could u please rate and comment my new poem THE LITTLE THINGS YOU DO
    ill be sure to return the favor once u comment and rate
    thanksss :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Truest Lies

    Oh, how sad! It portrayed your pain perfectly, the agony of living without...

    I loved the last line, how it's like the pain and emotion were building up, consuming everything, and then..someone opened a door, and it all came gushing out.

