W3 b0th w0N!

by IeshaKyrie321   Jul 29, 2006

Ii f3lt iit wAsN't Riight,
th0ugh ii h3ld 0N wiith All MY Miight

ii wiish ii 0NlY kN3w
thAt iit w0uld b3 0v3R 0h s0 s00N

ii th0ught w3'd MAk3 iit thRough,
but fR0M th3 b3giiNNiiNg ii gu3ss ii AlwAYs kN3w

ii kN3w w3 w0uldN't lAst,
but ii diidN't wANt us t0 b3 th3 pAst

but Aft3R us ii d0N't kN0w whY,
but ii wANt3d t0 giiv3 us AN0th3R tRY.

ii d0N't uNd3rstANd whY ii quiit
ii gu3ss ii diid s0M3 stupiid sh**.

s0 N0w thAt w3 AR3 d0N3,
ii gu3ss thAt w3 hAd b0th w0N!!


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