Chicken licken

by Bethan   Jul 30, 2006

The sky is falling, cried chicken licken,
When one day she was out corn picking,
and a piece of sky fell on her head,
She proclaimed they'd all be dead,

So she ran around, told every friend,
That the world was about to end,
And that they all had better flee,
So they followed her blindly,

The sky is falling she did cry,
For she believed thay all would die,
so they ran to find foxy loxy,
Who was their leader only by proxy

But foxy loxy had his own plan,
To use the problem as best he can,
Because in the end his somach was full,
As over their eyes he pulled the wool,

For while Chicken licken and co.
Chose to panic and all follow,
Foxy loxy was much more cunning,
Than from a rumour to be running.

While they ran around like headless chickens,
Foxy loxy chose his lean pickings,
So don't believe all you are told,
And learn from all these tales of old


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  • 4 years ago

    by Abhigya Niroula

    Very nice poem i am learning it

  • 18 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    Dat should have gone in the funny section. it was cute, funny and had a great rhymic charm. i loved it, except when it ended. you should do more like this.

    Love you