All is Fair in Love and War

by mer   Jul 30, 2006

I'm broken down
And beaten up
It seems as though
I should have just given up the battle
With the first thunderous argument
But i kept on going,
Kept on forgiving
Locking away the deepest anger and revenge
Throwing the key to your wondrous hands
All is fair in love and war

Rocky roads,
Obstacle courses,
Even Satan himself,
Seemed to stand in our path.
I was the devils advocate,
Drowning you in a pool of sin,
Not knowing what evil would prevail
All is fair in love and war

I killed you with my actions,
And lack of concern for your visions
Yet you murdered me with your lack of words
and obliviousness to the world around you
All is fair in love and war

The light seemed to be shining our way,
Yet when looking back,
Our shadows of long forgotten regret,
Consumed us.
A kiss and a tear,
With no response from your loving heart.
All is fair in love and war.

Well love is rewarding and promising,
And war brings triumph and glory.
But both can easily kill an innocent soul.


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