by Ian Costello Jul 30, 2006
category :
Life, society /
about society
As the world progresses we become more 'civilized'. We are better able to survive essentially but there is only one way in which we are really perfecting ourselves and that is in the art of war. Mankind no longer comes up with solutions; it simply wages wars on the problems. In this fashion we are quite unique from other animals, and to that end we are more 'civilized'. From the first man covered in animal hides throwing a stone at a foe to the most modern soldier wielding an automatic rifle, the only thing that has changed is the way we wage war. The absolute man who threw that stone is no different from the man who shoots the rifle. Each and every soldier ever has always had an idea that he was fighting for, an ideological utopia that he thought he was protecting. And each of those soldiers uses war as his medium to convey that ideal image. Thus as along as there are men there will be war, because the sons of soldiers are always being born, and in their hearts they possess a patriotic fervor so strong that bullets must strive to extinguish it. But with every death of the soldier three more men are given arms and the armies of the 'civilized' world increase until there is no more room left to expand and they must wipe each other out and with them they drag the humanity that they claim 'civilization' upholds. In the future the world will swallow the humans, back into the womb of dirt and ash from which they came, but in the interim mankind will continue to carpet the planet's surface with fire, chlorine gas, bullet casings, and corpses. |