He lies, silently,
Tail thumping on the ground,
His hopeful plea
For a friendly hand.
You haven't fed me, you see
Or maybe you have -
But I don't remember.
The sun caresses him where he lies
A red angel, burning in the cold.
And those eyes -
Those woeful pools of gold
Communicate a hunger
Communicate a need.
Give me what I want.
And then …
The animal awakes to
Screams of hunger
Memories of power
When we were his desire.
The past snarls. It sees
No woe. No sadness. No hope.
Only anger.
I back away from the sacred treasure
The food he wanted
That brought him no pleasure.
As the red rage rises to the fore
I back away. The blood
Drips on the floor and shatters
My vision.
He stands, silently
Then slowly slinks away.
His hunger - never sated.
Or maybe it was
But he doesn't remember