Comments : I'm Sorry Dominique

  • 18 years ago

    by manic moments

    Aww willow, dont think that! Its not true! I know it isnt. Please dont think things like that

    Luv Niquee

  • 18 years ago

    by X~Angie~X

    Thats a sad poem. i hope u dont die ur a great writer and sounds like ur a great friend.. i like htis poem it made me sad.. cuz i thot of all the hurtful things i did to my friends.. like cutting adn yea. but u ahve talent so please keep fighting u can get thru this... u can email me if u want im here always.. keep strong adn keep fighting
    take care
    luve angie

  • 18 years ago

    by lana

    Wow girl this poem is sad and unhappy
    its got tears in my eyes
    a real friend will hold your hand and take one day at a time and help you through this hard time

    you dont sound like a nasty friend your a great wrighter just hang in there and put you feelings on paper not on your arm
