I see it in me

by Krystal   Aug 2, 2006

I lie awake on the dark cold night thinking about every time you've hurt me or hit me.In some way you've failed to help me you've shown me that there's no happiness in the world you've only shown me anger and hatred with out careness; nor happiness its always abusive and it's all because of what you have shown me that i start to realize i see it in myself. i see anger hatred and disgust. i feel disappointed in myself every time someone Say's something about me.It makes me angry i feel like freaking out and then start crying because i see myself exactly the same way you are. It scares me . I don't want to turn out like you don't have any happiness in your life only pain and angry


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  • 14 years ago

    by JaM

    Aww, that's so sad, yet so in depth with yourself and your surroundings. I'm proud to read this Krystal, it shows that you truly see what goes on around you and you see how it affects you. Hope life in Alberta is better, love ya sis. <3

  • 18 years ago

    by Kirsty palmer

    Wow.. what an amazing write! .. this is so powerful, and sad, i can feel the emotion in this character, you really were ablel to create an image in my head just from those wrods! well done! 5/5..please read and comment on my poems, thank you .. kirsty palmer xx