by Justine Nigro   Aug 2, 2006

****I wrote this one about this guy that I wanted to be with for awhile. He was like my bodyguard (I had alot of people messing with me) and I thought I was in love with him boy I was wrong it was definately just lust but I wrote this anyway****

Why is it i can't think of anything but you
and that shared weekend
its hard having these feelings for you
knowing we'll never be more than friends
i have liked you since the day i met you
but i fell hard for you that day
i could trust you with everything
and you listened to everything i had to say
now i feel like an idiot
for letting you in as i did
i thought i could trust you with everything
but who am i to kid
why did i tell you to stay out
when i knew you were the only one
to offer the protection i need
to make sure the job got done
you say you know me even better
than people i've known for years
but you don't even know the half
my dreams, my hopes, my fears
but "i know her inside and out"
is what you tend to always say
but if that was really true
maybe i wouldn't feel this way
cause if you knew me inside and out
then you would no
how hard i fell in love with you
and how i want this relationship to grow
you'd also know that i lied
that i really do need you
i want this to be over
i can't stand these two
i want to feel safe again
to be able to sleep by myself
i want this taken care of
i really want your help
i had never felt as safe as i did
in your arms that night
i knew as long as you were there
i would always be alright
so see you don't really know me
if you did then you would know
that i want to be the one you love
the one you'll never let go
you'd know everytime i close my eyes
your the one i see
and i wish that maybe someday
you'll feel the same towards me


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