Rats Come Out At Night

by Connie   Aug 3, 2006

Did you know that rats come out at night?
They just wait to see if you get out of bed...
Did you know that if you do, those rats bite off all your toes?
Now this really does happen ~ my sisters told me so!

Did you also know that if you told anyone
Those nasty ole rats would climb in your bed?
Now I was young and literally scared to death,
So I believed them and was not going to tell anyone!

Night after night I'd lay awake listening
Yep, I'm sure I can hear those darn rats
I know I told those dang old rats more then once...
"Leave me alone, I'm not getting out of this bed."

Once I became an adult, I finally told Mom and Dad
I can still remember my Dad's shock at what they'd told me.
Dad said, "Why didn't you tell me? ~ I'd have stopped them!"
"I couldn't", I said - - you know what would have happened!

I have a feeling that my two sisters are very lucky I never told this...
Well, until we were all adults ~ Cause I have a real strong feeling that
Both of them would have been in a whole lot of trouble! (with a capital "T")
Because of the look on Mom and Dad's faces as they finally heard this story!

(I know this is really long, but to me anyway to get this point across nothing could be left out!! To get the correct idea of this, it needs to be read with a lot of expression! By the way, my sisters and I can laugh about this now!)


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  • 18 years ago

    by Deana

    I liked the humor in it but I think you could put it together again with more attention to the structure and it would be a really good poem. Its real easy to edit, I do it all the time.

  • 18 years ago

    by Ed or Ian Henderson

    Excellent content, but I'm afraid I am something of a poetry purist, and however offbeat a poem may be, flow and structure (rather than rhyme or polish) are the things that sustain me to the end. I felt this lacked the real attention you wanted to pay to the content. Had it been written as a story on a short story website I imagine (no, make that KNOW) I would have adored every word.

    Me, I told my little sister that cats turn into bats at night, which is why they sound so similar. And she was terrified of bats. And then, naturally, of cats! Of course, this backfired the first time she saw a cat at night and questioned our mother!

  • 18 years ago

    by sibyllene

    Heehee, siblings can be so weird

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