Grandpa Ron.


* I love him so much and i couldn't stop thinking about i wrote this about him..and yeah it inspires me to live because i know that's what he wants for me. *

they tell me not to hold my tears inside for too long
for eventually they will catch up to me
but as i stand at the edge of the ocean today..
with the cool breeze crisp against my skin
and the light wisps of the salt water against my shaking ankles
as the sun faintly fades along the horizon
it is hard not to bottle these emotions for you..
because i know...
(whether they are sprinkled in the water
or rolling off of my heart into the pits of my stomach
there is a part of me that i can't keep tied together
the knots were bound and stretched
and my mouth was gagged for far too long
but today...with my thoughts as clear as the blue sky overhead
and the wind gently blowing them in the distance..)
that you will know.
I see you wherever i turn..i can feel you watching over me..
and as i stand overlooking the giant canvas of navy blue
encasing your ashes..i feel so know that you are so near
that i can almost feel your hand on my bare shoulder
telling me that it will all be alright..and that there is nothing i can't do.
And as i sit down in the burning crystals between my toes
and i lay my arms and head on my knees
and look to the pink sunset just over the horizon
i can feel you closer to me as your embedded ashes surround me
and my tears slowly roll off of my cheeks
and with every beat of my heart..i slowly breathe in and out
and whisper to the first star of the night
i love you grandpa.

© Jenna Elphick
August 3 2006


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  • 17 years ago

    by Mommy And Me

    Wow Jenna.. you say i write better then you.. but that goes over anything i have ever put on paper. I love you darling. you are such a great poet.

  • 17 years ago

    by RainbowSlider

    Aw, that poem could even defrost a heart of ice. :)