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by *~kat~*~broken reflection~* Aug 3, 2006 category : Sadness, depression / about depression
I dont want to be alone anymore, with my only friend as a blade, cryin on the inside, hiding all my self-hate, keepin my kool, when others are around, but loosing it at home, with tears falling down, hoping no-one will notice, my red puffy eyes, or see the new cuts, that i have inscribed, i try to act happy, try not to cry, i dont want ppl to worry, dont want them asking why, not like they\'d care anyway, they\'d ask if im ok, but they wouldnt listen, to wat i really have to say, so i dont let them know, its better for me that way, i know that its selfish, but its my way ok?, so maybe if they were true friends, they\'d know my happiness is fake, and that in the end, this is my life to take, they never really cared, and that i know is true, no matter wat they may say, no-one knows u better than u.