
by xTearsxOfxSilencex   Aug 3, 2006

She sits in the corner of her room
Tears rolling down her cheek
She reaches for anything sharp
Anything to put her misery behind her
She holds out her wrist
And swipes it across
Again and again
Until there is blood oozing out slowly
She sits still in the dark
Watching and waiting
For the bubble of blood to burst
To burst and drip down her arm
Finally she is satisfied
Her pain is gone
Her mind is free to wonder around
She now feels so completely good about herself
She looks down again
And sees the cuts that she has just created
Wondering how something so small and painless
Could make her feel so good
She won't let anyone know her secret
It will stay between her
And the still silence of her room


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  • 17 years ago

    by musiqlover015

    Wow... this poem was quite touching, i liked it quite alright, it was well illustrated and waws filled with so much emotion

  • 18 years ago

    by Curry

    Wow this is sad and im sorry you feel this way=[ but cheer up! you are an amzing writer!=]

  • 18 years ago

    by ChevyCowgirl23

    I know how it feels ive been there!! if you ever need to talk email me!! :)
    merry christmas!

  • 18 years ago

    by X~Angie~X

    Wow i relaly like it. i kno exactly how u feel i can relaly relate to this.. its very sad tho.. but still very good. u wrote this with emotion i can tell. great job keep on writing. if u ever wana talk email me
    take care
    luve angie

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