The Last Sad Song

by Tammie   Aug 4, 2006

All alone
Outside she stood
Wishing to run
If only she could

Run away from it all
Everyone and everything
Slowly she began
To sadly sing

A song that meant
So much to her
About her and him
The "them" they were

The cutest couple
A love to never end
Little did she know
Her broken heart would never mend

If there was a way
To run away from it all
That's what she'd do
Instead of taking this fall

But problems only seem
To come back to haunt you
Unless you solve them
And that can be hard to do

Her problems too difficult
So sadly she sung
This one last song
With her head solemnly hung

The last song to sing
The last tears to cry
That cold winter day
She decided to die

Her dads gun to her head
She pulls the trigger
Now all that's left
Is her cold, dead figure


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  • 18 years ago

    by David

    Oh! this poem is so amazing! i loved it so much. sad but very insighting into how you picture everything. loved it fully.

    5/5 always. David

  • 18 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    WOW, that was so so sad.
    I never expected it to end like that, but it was a perfect ending to a perfect poem.
    You really touched my heart with those sad words.
    Keep writing

    Much love, Tara-Kay

  • 18 years ago

    by Kalee

    WOW. This is a really sad poem. it was also a great read. i really loved it. 5/5


  • 18 years ago

    by Karma Hope

    Whoa that was an awesome read...I'm speechless all i can say is WOW!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Darien

    The first thing I noticed about this poem, is it had a really steady flow and the rhythm was great. The rhymes were also great and help add to the flow. Overall, was well thought out poem.