Vampire Fantasy

by Megann Lee   Aug 4, 2006

Why do you, deny me of the precious blood these fangs desire?
The every lasting crimson sour, mettalical taste that shall seep into my tongue.
So lean your head, my child, let my precious lips, run along your pale flesh.
Let these fangs sink in, and devour your hatred, and in pure thoughts.

Don't be scared, I shall be careful, to let these fangs gracefully make their mark.
Just a little closer child, I can feel your blood trickle from those puncture wounds.
Let my tongue swirl around your neck, happily lapping at what falls.
Stealing it greedily, and hungrily. A precious surprise that is well deserved.

Just one more drop my dear little child, let me finish before you fall.
My mouth throbs, jaw aches, and tongue's stained with your crimson love.
Why child; you're lifeless, what shall I do with your pale bloodless body.
Blood lingers within my mouth, body falling back into my darkened casket, till night fall comes yet again.

©Megan- 2006


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  • 18 years ago

    by Mommy And Me

    I enjoyed reading this, it got me interested n what was to come. great word use and rythme, keep up the good work :D


  • 18 years ago

    by Jessica

    Lol, wow.. very dark and scary.. but very descriptive.. the flow was a little off but you can fix that.. keep up the great work! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by UnToLd TrUtH

    Wow this is really good! 5/5