I said i wouldn't

by leanne   Aug 4, 2006

I said i wouldn't cry
I said it wouldn't hurt
I said i couldn't feel

Now everything floods back
the memories
the times of anger and hate
the times of sadness and grief
the times of worship and praise
the times of joy and happiness
the times where i felt nothing at all

You made me numb
sheltered me from the real
opened my heart to peace and love

I SAID i wouldn't cry
I SAID it wouldn't hurt
I SAID i couldn't feel

but now that you're gone
i know that none of it was true.


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  • 18 years ago

    by lOVER

    Putting up a shield so the other person wouldnt be able to see how hurt you were/are?
    Happens a lot and i could relate, so i guess that shows you writ this well :)
    .. really touching poem though.

    Take care xxxx

  • 18 years ago

    by cindie

    Kool poem,i like it

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