I never understand why at night you would cry...
i never understand why at school you would just walk around and hope to die..
i remember that dark hidden night
was the night i saw you the first time
you were sitting outside alone
on the streets with no one in site
i walked along the sidewalk
and kneel next to you and asked what was wrong?
you couldn't say a word but just hold me and cried
i felt like i was apart of your life
when you held onto me and never let go
but you only let go those painful tears and dreams
i held onto you tight
and told you that i wasn't gonna hurt you and let anything go wrong
i still believe that day is in are minds and souls
i see you no longer crying
i see you no longer wishing life is gone
every time your happy and sweet
you always hug me and never let go when it's cold
you always hold onto my hand when ever you feel like you'll get lost
your always smiling and never screaming
your always yawning and never sleepy
your always in love with me
and all i can say is?
I'm in love with you too...