Comments : The Death

  • 18 years ago

    by sibyllene

    Yeah, it's probably the most... obscure poem i've written in a while. good luck, and thanks for the comment

  • 18 years ago

    by Lovely Bones

    "the hopeful ask why we let sacredness die."

    ^ I love that line. And it's true, everyday people take what should be a blessing, and what should be a holy, beautiful, important thing and throw it away. It's almost as if no one has any morals anymore. At least, that's what I got from this poem :)

    You are very talented; like said above you are really good with words and descriptions! Keep it up!

    Take Care and God Bless,

  • 18 years ago

    by Katie

    It was a little confusing for me at first, but when I read it again I realized that it had a lot of meaning. Very nice work. :]

  • 18 years ago

    by Cattiebrie

    Wow! now that took me some time to wrap my mind around for sure. But that is what I love about your poetry, you weave with words, you challenge my imagination and you ooze creativity! Lady! you are amazing!

  • 17 years ago

    by Tracy D Rollings

    WOW that was totally awesome, a mind twister and blower all in on. Excellent poem, well written and vocabulary was great, love the way you expressed your thoughts and feeling in this one, very well done, keep it up, your friend Tracy d 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by paul alexander

    I like it

  • 16 years ago

    by Sungrl And Mrs Whatsit

    Heartbreakingly sad...brilliantly written..