Man Named Jack.


** There's a meaning behind it...and i used visuals to explain it kinda...but if you think you get it comment me...i would like you to get it but it's kinda hidden lol. **

With the canvas of the clear blue sky
painted with love in her eyes
she looks out past the horizon
down the sun driven dirt roads
winding with memories, winding with time
the clock on the mantle ticks all day
as she stands on the front porch, broom in hand
looking out over the blank horizon
waiting for some kind of change of scenery.
Tears coating the mystery held beyond eyes so blue
dirt masking the beauty encased deep within
and these lonely nights she shares with the cold bed spread..
need more of a companion than this canteen of whiskey.
With wedding bells tolling through the tapes in the VCR.
She slashes the hearts of those who try to get close
and feels no sense of regret
the pictures hang sideways on the walls
but she never stops to fix them
because she never recalled seeing such a pretty picture
as the day that she saw that hat coming over the horizon
and heard that horse galloping to wards her.
But she has also never seen such a horrible picture
as the day that man stormed through the front door
took you by the throat; and stabbed you right in the heart.
And she'll forget them both for tonight
as she drowns her heart of sorrows
with a man named Jack.
© Jenna Elphick
August 6, 2006.


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