Nine-Eleven Tear.

by Megann Lee   Aug 6, 2006

With tears in her eyes.
She glares helplessly at the TV.
Non-Existent words bounce in her head.
Her trembling lips unable to break the rooms lingering silence.

A final blink from her widening eyes.
Drops of Aqua tears fall upon the Oak floors. Words breaking free from her quivering lips.

The silence broken forever.
Unsteady shaking knees give out to let her twitching body fall to the cold floor. As helpless screams echo out.

Now some years later she makes her Way to his grave. To place flowers and a gentle kiss upon the pale granite.
Tears yet again fill her lifeless eyes. Her delicate fingers tracing over the granites, ever lasting words.

And so her lips part, to mutter what the stone says: "You're forever in my heart, nor shall you be forgotten. Keep your loving eyes upon me, and all who lost their lives on Nine-Eleven..."

And so she stands, patting her eyes.
A smile on her face, as she turns her back. Leaving his grave be. "Rest in peace darling" lingering in her mind.

A short pause comes as her darkening eyes close to let one last Nine Eleven Tear fall to the ground..Where it shall stay, until this time again next year.

©Megan- 2006


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  • 18 years ago

    by xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex

    The silence broken forever.

    [My favorite lines]

    Aww that's so sad... A nicely told story... I don't know what else to say, but very nicely written.

    xDarkSuicidex 5.5

  • 18 years ago

    by Truest Lies

    How sad...
    I am left in awe, because few poems manage to grab my utter attention, turn my heart inside out..
    This one did. There is something so complicated, and at the end so simple about losing someone..


  • 18 years ago

    by loretta Taylor

    I really loved this one. The amount of emotion wasfantastic. Totally awesome 5/5 Loretta

  • 18 years ago

    by Tormented

    This is so beautiful! but sad...
    It so well created a picture in my mind so i could see what was happening...very great indeed!5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Mommy And Me

    Tiz a beautiful poem. sad. but beautiful.
    in my opinion some words could be rearanged, but not replaced, to give a more dramatic, heart felt, precense. but its still beautifuly writen. :)

    PS. thanx for the comments :) if you have time would you mind doing "the chest" tiz the newest one