Love is not a may be thing but includes the spouses striving
when you say I love you itâ??s a strong word a word that no one would wanna regret
love means the trust of one another the faith instead
of a heart brake the sparkle in one anotherâ??s eyes when u see each other
the warm touch of your mates lips the comfort within, love is the sun that lights up
your day love is the hand of your mate love is not giving up and giving more than one chance
love is listening to the heart with in you and not your friends who still want the best for you
love cant be damaged no matter what you will always love that person even if it was a mut........
love is always original love turns a bad day into a great day love brings joy , smiles and tears love
is having your mate by your side love is that person you cant forget love is the warmth of
two bodies moving back and fourth love is fighting even when the devil tryâ??s to separate a part of
one another love isnâ??t that easy to take away when you do its like you lost a part of you