One more mistake

by Vikky   Aug 8, 2006

I honestly thought you were the one
but you woz just one more mistake
i gave to you my entire heart
not knowing you\'d make it break
i feel like you\'ve ruined my life
just because you could
I just stood back and let it happen
because i didnt think it would
love is a cloth that sheilds the eyes
unableing them to see
whats right there in front of them
and what really should be seen
i may have been blind but i could still feel
the warning signs and pain
i ignored them both and the fact you hurt me
allowing it to happen again
knowing that you made me weak
enabled you to feel stronger
so you messed me about and made me cry
until i could take it no longer
now your gone im all alone
my head is still in the past
but slowly i\'ve come to realise
the sun doesnt shine out your arse
what you did to me was out of order
i hate myself for being so weak
but still when i think about all the good times
im tearfull and unable to speak
its plain to see you feel nothing for me
it took time but i realise now
i need to get you out of my head
i just dont know how.


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  • 18 years ago

    by .::Lovely*Letdown::.

    WoW...i REALLY loved the last two was the PERFECT ending to a PERFECT poem...i am basically having a love affair with your poem! sound good? lol jk haha but seriously, this poem is WAAAYY good!! you're a great writer! 5/5 :)

    --*--ScReAm YoUr HeArT OuT--*--