These Words.


**Dedicated to Stephanie, My girlie's, and Jethica and Terra ( Rock and Paper =D )

And with these words of hatred slamming me on the ground
i will squander on my knees and lift myself up,
for these words are not going to conquer my tears today.
i will stand and i will fight,
and slowly, one by one they will fall to the ground.
And they will know for once, what it is like to be me.
For these words, aren't doing anything,
but the spotlight is shined down on me,
and i will smile, and i will pose,
and i will love the attention that you are giving to me,
for your words, are not doing anything,
but making me famous.
So go ahead, keep talking
and as i rise up to stardom,
walking down this red carpet today,
with my little black dress fitting perfectly on my swaying hips
and these silver stilettos marking my tracks,
i will wave to the cameras, a smile so pretty,
and my heart will beat, for i have realized..
why let these words get me down..
when really, they are raising me up?
And these blue eyes will shine,
as the paparazzi shoves their microphones in my face,
i will raise my chin up, smile,
and i will speak the words of truth,
i have spent far more time than is needed,
making up the reasons to justify all this pain inside.
For i got the love of a great make me weak.
And i have got this bottle of make me strong.
And i have got so many great friends that are there;
to pick me up off of my ass...when both make me hit the ground.
And that's all i need to know.

© Jenna Elphick
August 8 2006


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  • 18 years ago

    by Mommy And Me

    Omg thats beautiful.. i wanna cry a little.

    love your effin paper~