Comments : Don't Cry

  • 18 years ago

    by X~Angie~X

    Awww thats so sad... but its very good. u have so much talent willow. i lvoe ur poems. i can relate in one way or another with them. i like how u wrote this.. for a title u could make it like dont cry or sumthin like that. well keep on writing
    take care
    luve angie

  • 18 years ago

    by manic moments

    Willow, thank you so much for those kind words you wrote, for those kind thoughts you displayed, for being the soft kind person that you are. I know it seems bleak at the moment, but the will shine no matter what has happened and who is left. I may not be as strong as you, but I would rather me to go instead of you sweet girl.

    Love Niquee