Left To Wonder

by J.B.Heart   Aug 9, 2006

When everything fails and your left sitting by yourself
just wanting someone to care
wishing he would be there
for the hard times i go through
wanting us to be together
knowing it will never happen
wishing he wouldn't lie
to keep the real feelings he feels inside
telling me what i want to hear
not knowing everything thing he said i took to heart
wanting to feel his touch
wishing he would be here for my baby's life
wanting him to sign the birth certificate
please stop telling me you care
when all you do is turn around and tear me apart
sitting here crying to myself
wondering if he would ever be true
does he know how i really feel
or does he think everything is make-believe
here i sit at my desk
thinking does he ever thinks of me
is this what he wanted it to be
to hurt me and not even care
sometimes i want to make him feel the pain
he put me through
why did he do this to me?
do you know?
I'm so confused
i break down and cry
too many tear fall from my eyes
should i forget
should i move on
but yet i cant because hes the father of my baby
what should i do
i need help
I'm so tangled in my feelings
I'm breaking down inside
please help me break through this shield of lies
and help me keep from breaking down to cry
every time i look at his face
wondering if this is what he wanted it to be.
When everything fails and your left sitting by yourself.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Kirsty palmer

    Wow...such a powerful poem, and you wrote it so well.. very inspirational, i loved the ending, worked great with the rest of the poem, great write! please rate and coment on my poems, thanks,... kirsty palmer xx

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