Comments : HIM

  • 18 years ago

    by Kersten

    Hey Rosie, thanks for your comment.. It means alot to me... And oh about your crush what i think is if you truely do love him i say go for it... Don't hold back and never take your time for granted with him b/c one day you could loss him... And i'm glad that you are going to try and write about happy love poems... Thats all i really write.. And i think its funny my b.f.f just asked me today to write her a sad love poem about her and her b.f and that one is going to be a chanllenge so wish me good luck... And if you would check out my other poems tell me what you think good or bad it doesn't matter.... TTYL bye...

  • 18 years ago

    by lilia

    Very nice and heartfelt hun!! i can totaly relate, and i say just tell him how you feel, or else you'll regret it. thank you soooo much for commenting on my poems.ill be back to check out your other poems soon.


  • 17 years ago

    by Emily

    Hahaha i can totally relate! love this poem. thanks for the comment. keep it up