Could I Ever Be?

by TheWorldFellNUWerentThere   Aug 9, 2006

**This Might not be my best poem but This is something I was always wondering about a guy I liked.. Hope you like it too!**

Could I Ever Be
The one you long to hold?
Could I Ever Be
The one you whisper "I Love You" to?
Could I Ever Be
Your one and only beautiful girl?
Could I Ever Be
Something special in your life?
Could I Ever Be
Something to you?
Tell me what
I Could Ever Be
To you!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Just Lucy

    I loved it, i didnt mind the same thing every second line, this poem was short, so yeah iot worked for me, good work!!!

    xox Lucy

  • 18 years ago

    by The Lonely Rose

    Awwwwwwww.....i lik this 1......keep on writin!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Kaylee

    First thing I suggest is not writing that the poem may not be the best, it could distract readers who might automatically assume the poem is bad and may not read past your little note. Be proud of everything you write (I'm proud of poems I wrote that were terrible). Next, know when and not to use repetion. Repeating the line every other line can make it tiring that some people might skip it. Break up the poem and describe a bit more, avoid over using words such as I, you, she, he, and, but, and the. These are filler words and can turn a good poem into a story narrative.

    Don't capitalize the first letter in each word. It can cause a cheapen effect. Try capitalizing the first letter in the first word only in each line or just when you begin a new sentence.

    Now this poem wasn't terrible. In fact I kind of liked parts of it, and msot poems I read are just so-so to me. The thing that did annoy me though was the exclaimation point. Some poems can pull this off but this did not seem like one of them. It makes the word come off as a scream like brackets make a sort of whisper effect.

    All in all it was alright, but I think if you maybe take someof this advice it might help.