I never knew you liked me until that day.It was my biggest mistake to let you in but I was all alone.
I was vulnerable after losing a guy that I cared so much about.I felt used and you made me feel special.So I figured it couldn\'t cause any harm to open up.
You flirted and toyed with me and I felt so happy.Id been thinking and hoping for you for so long I just forgot to think about the harm in the end.
We started hanging out and flirting allot.Then a note came from your friend .You had written it though.It said I dint want to date you over the summer.In my eyes it said you were easy my couple days to use you and now I get to break you HA!
I thought and thought I called but got no real answers from him...now I just feel betrayed and beaten.I should have known but everything is just happening and I really have no control anymore....