Comments : Foretold

  • 18 years ago

    by Vampyric Princess

    Wow! i love it!, it's soo true kike you said, and it's deep too!^^

  • 18 years ago

    by Willow

    WOW! so full of emotion. u've got telent my friend. i like it. 5/5 ur good.
    keep it up.
    love willow xxoo

  • 18 years ago

    by Oceansoul

    Very well done, flows well and the rhyme works very well aswell
    it is indeed not 100% clear what it's exactly about, but that's indeed sometimes very good in poetry and takes nothing away from the quality of the work
    so, i'd say ,make more of these :)
    keep it up :)

  • 18 years ago

    by flip05

    Wow thats really deep.... i feel u, lol wish i can write sumtin like that keep it up 5/5 - flip05 =)

  • 18 years ago

    by twisted reality

    OMG! I LOVE THIS! xD I really did love it! ^_^ It was terrific!

    [Steel eyes pursue a definite shudder,
    Her heart, his hand, the twist so concise.]
    ^^My favourite part. Oh me gee. This is one of the best dark poems I've read ever! xD The flow was great, the rhymes were superb, the vocab was well done, and the imagery was excellent! Lol. I don't have enough words to describe it. >.< Great write. 5/5 xoxo
