
by noha   Aug 12, 2006

Look at the mountain ,
its too high.
its hard for anyone to reach the top,
can you see how its near to the sky.
look at the sky,
its too high,
to give us hope to try,
to find the meaning of our life so don't cry,
you can just try,for all things that we cant deny.
may be you cant fly,
but your mind can take you so high.
don't ask your self why?
like birds don't ask why they can fly?
just keep in your try.
deep inside you ,you can find the answer for all these why.
there is magic in our life and some magic is real.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Heba

    Wow noha, I loved this poem, it was really encouarging and a full of hope poem.
    well done 5\5.

  • 17 years ago

    by Nelle

    This confused me as well.
    I think if you would spell out your words instead of -u- or -2- then it would make a little bit more sense. Good job though.

  • 17 years ago

    by Gizmo

    That was kinda a querky wee thing :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Zooshy

    Hey !!!
    I'm really sorry but if I want to give you an honest opinion
    I don't want you to get hurt or something but I really think that you should check your grammar cause there are some grammar mistakes
    and another thing .. you should be more specific in your writing .. cause some things just don't make sence ..
    and dont consentrate on the rhyming just write something that comes out from your heart !!!!
    I'm sorry again but I felt that I should tell you!!!!!!
    take care