Hes Gone

by FrozenTearsBleed   Aug 14, 2006

Walking Alone,
My feet on the moist grass,
Down on knee,
Looking into the stone of glass.

I look deep into the rock,
Run my fingers over each letter,
Tears start to fall,
I sit there hoping life would be better.

Realizing my love is gone,
He\'s really dead,
This cant be,
I scream shaking my head,

I tare up the dirt below,
Throwing it against his grave,
I cant stop the tears,
If I was there I wouldve been able to save.

To save him,
Why wasnt I there,
I loved him so much,
I really did care.

He left me,
I slammed the door,
I can hear his voice,
I hit the floor.

I lay in a puddle of blood,
Closing my eyes,
Praying to god,
To forgive me for my lies.

Hoping hed take me to him,
In his arms I dream,
I walk in the light,
The clouds and sky gleam.

Im flying,
Walking with no ground,
I hear people around me,
But I make no sound.

My mother,
My father too,
Im dead leave me,
My lips are blue.

I open my eyes,
And Im in his arms,
Holding me tightly,
Then I hear the alarm.

I wake up from my sleep,
Get up from were I was,
I go to the bathroom,
I want to die, just because.

I begin the letter to my family,
I cry so many tears,
I need him I write,
My mind is shaking I have so many fears.

I look in the mirror,
At my wrists and the blood,
I scream,
My emotions are a flood.

Its years later,
Im still here,
I smile placing flowers at his grave,
I had too much to fear.

What I didnt no I was having his little girl,
I live for her and him as well,
She dances around me,
Shes what caught me when I feel.

She talks to her daddy,
Every once in a while,
Shell write him a letter,
Place it down with a smile.

Shes almost five now,
Im so proud of each day,
With her in my arms,
I love her thats all I have to say..


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by PorcelainMoon

    Very sad, this poem had the biggest impact on me out of all the poems I've viewed today, wonderful. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by AngelEyez89


    youre writing is amazing

  • 17 years ago

    by littlemissxsunshine

    Very good
    i love it
    i hope it didn't really happen

  • 17 years ago

    by isabel

    It's so wonderful...


  • 18 years ago

    by Megan Sue

    Its soo sad..and i love this poem..its great..i culd never write something so long too..mine are short..hehe..just saying..this one is awesome tho..i'll be reading more..laterz..puh-eace!