Not every boy's a man

by Krissey   Aug 15, 2006

Boys used to grow up to be respectable men
These days some never really mature
Dirty and dishonest thoughts fill their minds
They don't even make the effort to stay pure

Billy had sex with Crystal last night
Crystal found out he did as well with her best friend
Sexual Transmitted Diseases are constantly spread
When will all this impurity end?

What happened to getting to know each other?
What's the point of these one night stands?
Bring back the days of old fashioned romance
Of respect and of honor, even holding hands

Let’s not be afraid to use this term
“I’m going steady with him/her now”
Instead of waking up with a humongous belly
And the first thought to come to mind is “how?”

There's so much pressure nowadays
It's everywhere; in school and on TV
Where did all these messages come from?
What are we teaching our kids to be?

What happened to a traditional movie night?
Perhaps bowling or miniature golf
Now they go out and get high all night
And these kids wonder why they wake up with a cough

It's true; there are some very nice guys out there
But their numbers are far too low
While some girls want an easy guy
Most of us want one who won't mind taking it slow

And personally, if I die a virgin
I can’t explain how proud I’ll be
To not have slept with the fools in school
Sure makes a woman out of me!

Some boys constantly have sex on their mind
Some are constantly looking for fun
That’s why not every boy is a man
Nor does he become one


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Megadrive

    My dear, wel stated! I agree 100%
    "And personally, if I die a virgin
    I can’t explain how proud I’ll be
    To not have slept with the fools in school
    Sure makes a woman out of me!"
    Perfect! I love this message your sending, I just am amazed that there r still even GIRLS out there that have these point of views, its way to few! Now about the actual poem, I liekd it! It flowed very smoothly, not everything rhymed, which is a relief, ppl think all poetry has to rhyme, it was honestly a breathe of fresh air! It was a simple read (Thats not ment in a bad way) It means I didnt have to struggle with words, they where presented in a very smooth manner, and your point is nice and direct, it was just a very great poem! I enjoyed it very much, thank you =)


  • 18 years ago

    by STEPHANiiE

    Yo thats mad true!!! Lost of guys only think of one thing. and many little that don't.

    Keep comin wit the poems gurl, ur poems r mad GOOD!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by tatiana

    I agree so much on this .
    recently i have felt the absence of a proper boy so intensely and i'm so confused on this subject...
    i'm so happy that someone thinks like you do about one night stands. i think they are so immature and meaningless! if you really like the other person enough to kiss him/her (let's say) why not do it again the next day and the day after?

  • 18 years ago

    by sarah

    Awsome - 5/5 (again) lol

  • 18 years ago

    by Tory

    I really like this one too...=]