Painful Truth

by Willow   Aug 15, 2006

My head is spinning with the things I need to say,
Only the last time I spoke the truth, I got sent away.
I'm now scared of my brother,
But I upset my family when I told them, so I ran into Helen's arms, like she was my real mother.

So far I have managed not to cut,
And after a few nights, I am now back at home with my bedroom door shut.
I have cried so much that my eyes now hurt,
And it feels like my heart has been thrown into the dirt.

I've missed so much school because I can't handle it,
And Helen is helping me so much by giving in her little bit.
I'm loosing Dominique because I can't hold onto something that causes me pain,
And because I have told her this, I cry in shame.

I don't know what to do anymore,
And I'm sick of hiding behind that closed door.
I don't want to cry myself to sleep because i feel so lost,
And I have lost so much as a cost.

Finally telling my family why I am in so much pain,
Has mad me think that the truth can cause alot of shame.
Speaking what I feel in my heart,
Made other people cry and has torn me apart.

Hearing the truth can hurt just as bad,
Causing yelling and people becoming mad.
So now I see that the truth can only be told to some,
While the others must be kept in the dark, causing more tear to come.


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  • 18 years ago

    by X~Angie~X

    Wow.. i love it. it makes me very sad. i kno how u feel. i really like it so far. i dont exactly kno how u should finish it but i love it so far so im sure u will find an amazing way to end it. this poem shows truth and hurt and i can tell u put alot of emotion in it. keep on writing hun
    take care
    luve angie