In the beginning was the greedy
and the greed corrupted beauty.
Goodness came only to the needy
and the good was beautiful truly.
Greed said everything must cost
and everything must be corrupted.
A perfect world then was lost
and everything became disrupted.
Ignorance was innocence blissed
and illegal wasn't even a word.
But greed thought is was dissed
and profit took up its sword.
Greed said nothing can be free
and prophets of profits sprouted.
Goodness could not let it be
because everything was doubted.
But greed just bought judges;
Doubt was contested for profit.
Goodness brought guilt grudges
and profit just laughed at it.
Greed saw it just needed proof
and ignorance lost its bliss.
Goodness was tarnished truth
and gray caught its first kiss.