Good-Bye \"Friends\"

by Stefana   Aug 16, 2006

Feeling empty
Feeling dark
No one understands me, no one does
All I can say is Good Bye.
I can leave u all behind
Cause I've been here all along
And you didn’t notice it at all
That I was dying all alone
In this empty space
In this lonely place
Tears rolling down my face
I open the door
Look at the floor
See the footprints I have left
Suffering, scars nothing else.
Well now I can close the door behind
You’ll never hear of me again
My life is mine and only mine
I won’t forget and won’t regret
All the things that me who I am
And on that you can bet.
Good-bye to all
I wish you to crawl
On the dark and cold floor
The way I did
I want to see you screaming for me
Begging me
To stay and to forgive you before I go
But no
You’ve had your chance
I won’t fall for it again
Your lies became weight
Weight that I have gained
And gained
Pushing me down under the surface
That’s all you lot did
Making me to lose sense of the real world
I believed in you all, I really did
But now, for a normal life I call
So now, so long, dearest “friends”
You’ve brought me to my life’s end.


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  • 17 years ago

    by LivinFree

    This is a very good poem i really love it bkuz its alot like what i'm feeling right now.