Michael Jackson

by Regie*   Aug 17, 2006

It tore his heart
To hear their lies
No-one would listen
To his forbidden cries

He got out of his limousine
To attend yet another trial
Walking and waving to all his fans
He remained in self denial.

As he sat helplessly in the courtroom
I knew he was innocent from the start
All of his untrue accusations
Realy, broke my heart

So many lies people made up
To give him a bad name
They tried to take away his money
His life, his fame.

So many things he was accused of
All of which were wrong
Its so amazing to see, how this innocent man
Managed to stay so strong

His trials went on for many weeks
His supporters never lost hope
And it is those of us
Who helped this poor man, never ever lose cope

But there are some of you that disagree
And think that Michael is some find of freak
But you need to respect those of us
Who kept faith in him every week!

We all need to understand that he is just a man
But a child in his mind
A simple man who just love kids
Warm hearted, loving and kind.


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  • 16 years ago

    by ShaeBaeBae

    I loved it! speak the truth man!!! that was great!

  • 18 years ago

    by Gasttlee

    Michael Jackson is as much an inspiration to me as he proabably is to many people! I totally agree with this! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Clonjey

    YES! it was writtin well, but most importantly, the message is great.

  • 18 years ago

    by SomewhereAmongThePieces

    I have to say I really like this poem, your writing skills are very good! Although personally I'm not certain of his innocence, I admire that fans such as you stick by him and respect him no matter what. A very touching touching poems, I like your style, welcome to my favourites! ;)

  • 18 years ago

    by Beautiful Angel

    I really think this is a really good poem! And your totally right about the whole thing